The Superhero Review Corner pt. 1


Author: Rafeh Kayani


Hey there! Welcome back to your favourite (OR 'favorite' for you Americans 🙀) Movie blog spot! 'The Superhero Review Corner' is the place to be for all you Superhero film fans out there! Here we review famous DC and Marvel movies with pros and cons, and a final 'star score' so you know what to watch.  

                       Today we'll be reviewing Marvel's Deadpool, released 12th February 2016.

A typical dilemma we all face when choosing a movie to see: Too watch or Not to watch?

Directed by Tim Miller, Deadpool is an action packed movie with comedy rendering as the focal point throughout the film. The movie's protagonist 'Deadpool', played by Ryan Reynolds, plays a former Special Forces Operative who now works as a mercenary. The plot keeps the viewer engaged as Deadpool's world falls apart when Ajax, an evil Scientist played by Ed Skrein, transforms him into mutant-like being though a rogue experiment. Having accelerated healing powers and a twisted sense of humour (yes American... I know, it's 'humor'), the plot seeks Deadpool to make use of his new skills in order to hunt down the evil scientist who nearly ruined his life. He is accompanied by Colossus and Negasonic Teenage Warhead (played by Brianna Hildebrand).

If you're into action films with great use of comedy, this film is for you!


  • Great plot, story-line keeps viewer engaged at all times and any shortfall plot is compensated by a bucket-load of humour.
  • Ryan Reynolds is the perfect fit for the character! His crude humour and built physique makes him perfect for the job.
  • The movie is done right. It's cool, funny, serious and exciting - all in one! 


  • Deadpool is a relatively unknown superhero and is mostly known among marvel fans. Viewers may lack interest having known little of the superhero.
  • Deadpool to an extent over-glorifies gruesome violence, which to some who lack a sense of humour, may be disturbing.
  • The movie is rated R18+, limiting the audience to particularly adults. Let's just say it isn't a family friendly movie.

 Final Score



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