The Superhero Review Corner pt. 4

Author: Rafeh Kayani


Hello fellow Movietuber! Welcome back to the best movie blog spot! We hope you enjoyed part 3 of 'The Superhero Review Corner', and are glad to have you back! This week we'll be heading into the DC universe to review, if not, the greatest DC movie released to date. 

And what else could it be other than the DC classic 'The Dark Knight', which was released on 16th July, 2008

Image result for dark knight

If you haven't seen this movie yet, we hope you enjoyed living on another planet this whole entire time... You've definitely heard of it at least right!? It's a superhero classic of the modern day, and still stands up as a perfect example on how to to deliver an amazing and engaging action movie in the film industry. 

Directed by THE Christopher Nolan, The movie is based on Batman, played by Christian Bale, who with the help of allies lieutenant Jim Gordon, played by Gary Oldman, and DA Harvey Dent, played by Aaron Eckhart, has been able to keep a tight lid on crime within the city known as Gotham. However, when a vile young criminal who refers to himself as 'The Joker' (played by Heath Ledger) abruptly throws the city into chaos, the black knight (the caped crusader known as yours truly, Batman) begins to tread a fine line between heroism and vigilantism.  

The movie includes a variety of action scenes and includes morbid humour from the very talented villain, Joker.

Check out the trailer here

  • Christian Bale! His acting as Batman in 'Batman Begins' was superb, in which he carried a charismatic, interesting and never dull approach. Same goes for this film.
  • The movie is packed with action and thriller likewise, and has a series of plot twists! It will keep you engaged at all times!  The ending is just wow.
  • The Joker. What else would you ask for when you have the craziest and wackiest villain in the same movie! The Joker is always full of surprises, and his addition of humour into the film makes it a whole lot better!

  • Batman's voice changes slightly from Batman Begins to The Dark Knight. Although not a big deal, his voice goes from being subtle to being almost unintelligible.

Other than that, this movie could be considered flawless!

                                              Final Score



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