Must Watch Pt.4

Author: Andy Zhang

Greetings all! Here comes another exciting week for a another movie recommendation. Let’s check it out!

Film name: 2012

The film “2012” is a epic disaster film directed by Roland Emmerich in 2009. The idea of the film is referred to Mayanism predictions of the terrible disasters happening to the world during the December of 2012.


Plot Summary:

The story is beginning in the several years before. Geologist Adrian Helmsley has discovered the earth’s core is heating up in a rapid speed, this comes across more information to shows the world will come to an end around in 2012. As he shows enough evidence to warn the President of the United States Thomas Wilson. He was very disappointed about actions rather that publicizing this catastrophe, government more likely to intent on saving wealthy families. Meanwhile, the writer Jackson Curtis stumbles on the same information after he met the person called Charlie Frost who has the secret map shows the location of ark is. Hence, Jackson Curtis are start to find its own way to save his family.

My Opinions:

When I was the age before the movie was come out, I was very curious about Mayanism predictions, sometimes I will be wondering what is going to happen if the predictions were actually become truth. Well, after watching this film, I have my answer. It was a fantastic experience while you watching the film, this because of the amazing presentations of earthquakes and tsunami just shocking me. I believe the audience who like the high level of special effects will absolutely love this film!

See Trailer:

Main Characters:

John Cusack as Jackson Curtis

Danny Glover as Thomas Wilson


Reference List:


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