The Superhero Review Corner pt. 3

Author: Rafeh Kayani


Hello there fellow Movietuber! Welcome back to your favourite movie blog spot! Welcome back for part 3 of The 'Superhero Review Corner'. We hope you enjoyed last weeks DC entry of  Batman v Superman: Dawn Of Justice however, today we'll be switching it back to Marvel (yes that's right marvel fans! you can come back to the blog now!).

Today we'll be reviewing Marvel's 'Doctor Strange' which was released on 27th October, 2016.

If you still haven't gotten bad-ass vibes from just looking at this picture, I strongly suggest you to slap yourself as many times it takes until realise how wrong you were about that terrible preconception of yours... Oh right, the movie!

Directed by Scott Derrickson, Doctor Strange, played by Benedict Cumberbatch, is the protagonist who has his life shaken following a car accident which takes away from him the use of his own hands. After traditional medicines fail for him, he seeks healing and hope within a mysterious enclave. He soon comes to realise that the enclave is at the front line of battle against unseen dark forces with the aim of destroying reality. Doctor strange is then left with the choice to leave behind his life as a neurosurgeon, which is full of fortune, or leave it behind to defend the world, against the dark forces, as the most powerful sorcerer in existence. 

If you're looking for a great amount of action mixed with a pinch of comedy, welcome to your next movie choice.

Check out the trailer here


  • Extremely creative actions scenes! From people and buildings defying the laws of physics, the insanely creative scenes will make you feel as if someone put something in your drink before entering the movies 😮. But don't be alarmed, what you'll see is a visual treat. 
  • It is a Standalone Film! Doctor Strange stands on it's own and is a classic origin story. The movie will leave you with many questions, hold onto them as we expect a part 2 to this film. 
  • Very interesting plot! From a neurosurgeon and wealthy man, to a monk-like character searching for hope, to hero! The plot will keep you engaged!

  • Underused actors Mads Mikkelsen and Rachel McAdams. Both of these talented actors get no where close to the screen time Benedict Cumberbatch receives. They may have missed the opportunity to utilise these actors further to create something a little more special. 
  • Many plot holes in the movie! From random character entries, to rabbit holes throughout the plot, you'll be left wondering and questioning at times, as well as being confused!
  • Although the plot is excellent, the scenario may seem cliche. That is typically the case with superhero films... Rich person has a great obstacle hit in life and eventually becomes the hero... *cough* Batman *cough*.

                                              Final Score



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